It is prohibited for any government agency to require the registration of privately owned firearms, pursuant to SC Code § 23-31-510(1).

a person who is a member of a subversive organization.a person who has been convicted of a crime of violence in any court of the United States, the several states, commonwealths, territories, possessions, or the District of Columbia or who is a fugitive from justice or a habitual drunkard or a drug addict or who has been adjudicated mentally incompetent.

In accordance with SC Code § 16-23-30(A), an individual is prohibited from buying or owning a firearm if they are: Private sales of firearms can be conducted by private parties without a proper license if both parties are legally allowed to own a firearm in the state of South Carolina. It must be notarized to be considered an official legally binding document. The document will provide identifying information with regard to the firearm, change of ownership, the seller, and the buyer. A South Carolina firearm bill of sale is a legal document in the State of South Carolina that formalizes the sale and purchase of a firearm of any kind.