uiimage Function: Display an icon, logo, or image in apps and on the App Designer canvas.Add and configure a grid layout manager on the App Designer canvas.Create two and three panel apps that automatically resize and reflow contebased on device size.Graphics Export: Export axes with tighter cropping using the axes toolbar.Property Inspector: Control visibility of graphics objects interactively.Pan data by dragging the x, y or z axis without having to use the pan tool.Customize chart interaction gestures such as dragging to pan, or scrolling to zoom.Data Tips: Pin and customize data tips in charts.parallelplot Function: Visualize tabular or matrix data with multiple columns by using a parallel coordinates plot.

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Toolbox Packaging: Install required add-ons with custom toolboxes.MATLAB Online: Share folders with a view-only link or invite individuals with view-only or edit permissions.Internationalization: UTF-8 as system encoding on Mac.Web Documentation: View MathWorks documentation on the web without logging in.Multiple Sources in Help Browser: Search MathWorks documentation and custom documentation together in a single browser.File Encoding: Save MATLAB code files (.m) and other plain text files as UTF-8 encoded files by default.Control Value Changes: Run all necessary code on value changes.Responsiveness: Improved performance with extended use.Animation Output: Improved performance when animating plots in live scripts.Loop Execution: Improved performance when running loops in live scripts.Profiler Flame Graphs: Investigate and improve the performance of your code visually.Full release notes are available here Environment: